Monday, April 4, 2011


You know that saying "hit the ground running"? Well I guess that's not exactly the case when it comes to babies learning how to walk. Each day we've had a few steps here and there. This evening she walked 5 steps, then 4, so we thought it was time to try and get this action on video for you. Luckily starting and stopping our camera is very easy because it took several takes.

First we realized her pajamas were hindering her (they're a little big in the feet), so we stripped her down to her onesie in hopes of showing her skillz to you all tonight. Then she wouldn't let go of those darn PJs, so then they still got in her way! We also used Mildred's nasty bear as a bribe to get her to move. We are amazing parents.

She's still a little shaky, but she's getting there. And heck, at only 9 1/2 months, she's freakin' awesome! So without further ado, here is Miss Quinn Marie "walking."


  1. "All your fans"--LOL, so true! She's trying so hard! Yay Q!

  2. She couldn't have done it without such encouraging loving parents like you two! We are taking notes!

  3. Good job Quinn!!! You will be running in no time...Nikki watch out, she will be running and shaking her head no...She is more like her auntie D every day :) Don't worry I turned out ok.
