Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wishing you a Berry Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Quinn Marie! She is dressed as a strawberry for her first Halloween. Much thanks to GG for the costume. We spent today delivering Halloween treats to some of Quinn's favorite friends and we even got to see her brand new friend, Alivia, in the hospital. We hope you all have a BERRY happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quinn hearts Millie

The past week or so, Quinn has developed a newfound obsession with Millie. So it was super cute when they had their "tummy time" together this morning. Quinn was so happy! (You can guess exactly how Mildred was feeling.)

And as we've said before, Quinn just loves sticking her tongue out lately. We thought this shot was hilarious.

And my Grandma Marcella will kill me for posting this, but it is just too cute. We've decided that when Quinn grabs Millie's hair, Millie feels that it is then okay to lick Quinn. We didn't quite catch Mildred in time to stop her:

Aren't they precious? The best of pals!


Last night we went out for Hollywood Halloween, a super-fun fundraiser for the Playhouse. The table Down to Details decorated was themed Saturday Night Fever, so of course we had to dress the part:

And here's us with Quinn. We're pretty sure she's thinking "my parents are weird!"

Happy Birthday Grandma Nan!

Today Grandma Nan turns 60! Quinn wants to wish her wonderful Grandma a happy, happy birthday!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Quinn is showing her Halloween spirit thanks to this super cute outfit from GG!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grabby Girl

So Quinn has a new development: grabbing. The unfortunate part is that it's mainly grabbing my hair, lips, cheeks, face, neck, etc. And it hurts. I think it's just her way of showing her love for her mama. (So that makes all a-okay!)

Yesterday morning was my first time really home with her of the week (Morgan comes only for half-days on Wednesdays), so we got to spend some time in the morning reading books and hanging on her favorite quilt. Here's a pic of her in all her cuteness:

In this pic you'll notice another fun little habit -- she loves to stick her tongue out when she smiles. It's so darn adorable!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So I'm trying out hosting yet another blog as a way to share pics and videos of little Quinn with all our family and friends around the country. These first few posts will be my attempts at seeing if this will work, so bear with me.

First, here's a video of little Q rolling over. She's rolling over all the time now and it's MUCH quicker than before, so very hard to get on camera. It took me approximately 15 times to get video of her actually rolling. Here's a clip of one I missed: