This afternoon Miss Elsa Louise came over to play and Quinn couldn't have been more excited. She was ALL squeals when Elsa got here. I think she was so excited to see a little girl her size (no matter that Elsa is 4 months older and Miss E. is still tall for her own age!). Quinn showed her enthusiasm for Elsa by pulling and grabbing at her constantly. (It's how she shows her love.)
And leave it to a good skee-ball machine to occupy both girls. Quinn was keeping me mighty busy (as was chatting with Elsa's mom, Shelly) so I didn't get too many shots, but here are a few of the girls saddled up to the skee balls together. The bestest of friends!
Now hopefully Quinn will take a good nap so we can have fun with the Bemis crew tonight. Hooray for fun Fridays!
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