It's not even noon and it's already been a busy morning for Quinn Marie. She slept great and woke up in happy spirits, but right before we were ready to leave for our playdate she fell on her little face and cracked her lip open. A quick call to Erin Bemis calmed me down and a few wet washcloths and some Tylenol helped little Quinn. Now she just has a fat upper lip to show for her adventures.

Once we had a clean shirt on our little button and something nice to chew on we were ready for playdate fun. Here she is playing with her gal pal Lucy Louise.
And here are all the kiddos together (Will on the left, Ben on the right). Aren't they all just precious? Friends forever! :)

Look at Will & Quinn in their matching yellow and blue! Coincidentally they also both have facial injuries. Will with stitches and Q with her fat lip -- what tough (and cute!) bambinos they are!
After all that fun with the Bemis Boys and Lucy Lu, Quinn was tuckered out. It had been quite the morning!

Poor miss Q, but she still is as adorable as ever!