There's so much to report on our little Quinn since the weekend! First she has two more teeth! We noticed tooth #7 on Sunday morning and tooth #8 poked through yesterday. She's been so tough that we didn't even know she was teething! (I guess when you do four at one time it makes everything else seem like a piece of cake.) And what's she doing with those new teeth you wonder? Well, she's enjoying all kinds of fun baby foods now (pears & raspberries for breakfast!), but what Quinn really likes to eat is her crib. There are seriously tooth marks on her crib and we now find her with white paint specs on her cheeks. Who would have thought you'd have to baby-proof a baby crib? Well, I'll be working on that tomorrow.
Other news in the Quinn world is that she is becoming much more vocal. She screams and squeals all the time now, which is so entertaining. And she also has a new sound that she's added to her babbling repertoire: "Mama!" She started saying mama on Sunday, but it wasn't until today that she started saying it on command. Not a consistent thing mind you, but a "mama" is a "mama" and I think it's pretty cool. We just better start working on "dada" real quick!
And because Mom and Dad have been working so hard this week, Quinn has had some extra time with Morgan. She doesn't mind though. She loves Morgan and they even had dress-up day on Monday!
Here's our precious diva ballerina:

Their first attempt at a self-photo cracks me up!

Awe, so cute!

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