Our little button is EIGHT months old today! Time seriously flies when you're having fun, and we're definitely having fun with little Quinn Marie.
This month has been full of milestones. If you've been reading the blog, you know all about her activities, but let's just do a little summary of the month. First, she is becoming so incredibly vocal! Her squeals make us laugh so much, and she and I have fun with our "screaming contests." And then there are the words she's starting to form. Uh-oh, mama, dada and hi are all in her repertoire now and her new consonant of the last few days is B, so everything is baba-baba.
And with those EIGHT teeth, she's trying out all kinds of new foods. She doesn't like the fresh baby food I make special for her, but if it's out of a jar, she'll eat it. (Insert slight disappointment for mom here.) This month she's tried out mangos, pears, raspberries, carrots and spinach and enjoyed them all. We've tried some little "puffers" but so far if it isn't something pureed, she's not so sure what to think of it.
She also is MOBILE! This little gal is on the go and exploring everything. Crawling, standing and walking around the furniture all keep her (and us!) busy, busy, busy. It's so entertaining to watch her investigate the world around her. You can see her little mind working and her personality is coming out more and more each day. She's no longer the little infant we took home from the hospital! Everyday becomes more exciting and rewarding with Quinn. We truly are so blessed and love her so much!