Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm the Mommy!

So the news is out now that Quinn will be a big sister in August. Given her constant "roll-playing" around the house I think she's going to be a great big sis. That is, if she can come to terms with the fact that she isn't actually the mommy.

I absolutely love how Quinn has been pretending the last few months and it's so sweet to watch her take care of her babies. Even at school she always has a baby in hand and is constantly comforting her little one saying "it's okay, mama's here."

The other week I got home late after a board meeting. Quinn ran to meet me and then quickly said all in one breath, "I'm the mommy and you're the grandma, okay?" (I am never the mommy anymore. Lately I've been Uncle Eric.)

Now that she knows there's a baby in my tummy that's another source of play for her. This weekend she lifted up my shirt and pretended to take the baby out of my tummy. She then patted the imaginary baby's back and put it to bed in the baby's room. "See you in the morning, baby!"

Then the next day she lifted up HER shirt and took the baby out of HER belly. She then said "this is my baby sister. Her name is Maeve." (We have not named the baby yet. Maeve is a girl name we're tossing around and is the only option according to Quinn right now.)

I just hope Quinn's okay with our real baby wearing clothes. At this point, we've got a LOT of naked babies hangin' around the casa. But who needs clothes when you've got a lot of Quinn lovin' right?