It's hard to keep up with all she's learning and accomplishing, so here are a few highlights:
She can say her ABC's (even though sometimes she skips Y & Z and just cuts to the end). She loves to sing and absolutely melts my heart when she sings "Jesus Loves Me" or "You are my Sunshine."
She puts herself in timeout. For instance after a meltdown she'll say "my wanna go in timeout." ("My" and "I" have been a little confused lately, but the past few days she's gotten much better!) Either way, it makes me laugh like crazy.
Justin Roberts is still king of her music world, and she knows many of the songs before he even starts singing.
She's started telling us what she likes and what she doesn't like. Tonight she took one (half) bite of chicken and said matter of factly, "I don't like that."
We've been going to a lot of playgrounds lately, and now she even points them out while we're driving. The playground off the walking trails is the "secret" playground, so now she's always pointing out a new "secret" playground for us to visit. That girl's got eyes like a hawk! And speaking of eyes, look at them sparkle on Easter morning. We love you Quinn Marie!