Monday, February 20, 2012
Fancy Girl
When we got home tonight Quinn had to immediately change into her new red shoes, necklaces and sunglasses. I love my fancy girl!
A Pretty Pedicure!
Today after we cut Quinn's toenails, I decided it would be fun to put a little polish on them too. She picked out a fun hot pink color and sat so still on Daddy's lap. I'm not sure what Jay thinks about his little girl having nail polish on already, but it Quinn thought it was fun and it looks so cute!
Now that her nails are painted we've learned to stop calling them "hot" pink. She thinks her toes are really hot and it freaks her out a little bit. :) Also, speaking of hot, check out Jay's sweet cheeseburger pants! (Thanks Erin & Billy!)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Justin Roberts Concert!
This weekend was the Des Moines Symphony Academy's annual Justin Roberts concert, Pajama-Rama. Quinn has been to two Justin Roberts concerts before, but this is the first time she's attended that she's been old enough to really get into it.
For those of you who don't know, Justin Roberts is the best kiddie rocker around. And because I've planned this concert for 6 years, Quinn has been listening to Justin's music since day one and now she is one huge fan. As soon as we get in the car these days, she says "Justin Roberts!" (It used to be Beethoven, but he's had to take a backseat to these sweet kiddie tunes the last few weeks.)
Papa, GG and Uncle E all came to town especially for the concert and tons of Quinn's friends were there too: the Bemis kids (Josie, Will & Ben), Annabel Koopmans, Alivia Grefe and even the Peterson girls, Ellie & Grace! We all had SO much fun, especially Quinn. It is a fabulous concert and it warms my heart to see Quinn enjoying it so much!
Here she is in her seat waiting for the concert to start.
At first she sat on Uncle E's lap just taking everything in...
And then she stood up to get closer to the action.
Family pic!
Quinn couldn't be pulled away from the music for a photo op.
Mommy & Quinnie!
Saying hi to Justin Roberts after the show.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day from our little sweetheart!
Daddy and his little Valentine.
Monday, February 13, 2012
20 Months!
I just can't believe Quinn Marie is only 4 months away from 2! She's growing and changing so much lately and honestly, making us laugh all the time. It's been awhile since I've given an update on our little girl, so here are some of our favorite things she's doing and saying.
First, the "doing" update (since this blog is also used for documentation purposes). She can count to 10, but sometimes it's hit or miss thanks to Frosty the Snowman. (Seriously why couldn't they have made that snowman count properly?) She also can identify all her colors and shapes and is a rockstar at animal sounds. (Just ask her what an elephant says and I guarantee you will chuckle.)
She also is "reading" us books and has a number of them memorized, either fully or partially. Her favorite books right now are Inside, Outside, Upside Down (aka Bear Book) and Old Hat, New Hat (also Bear Book), Animal Orchestra (Beethoven Book) and a whole slew of others. She's starting to enjoy Olivia, but we adapt the book to make Olivia a little better behaved. :)
And now for the "saying." She's repeating everything, but also starting to get a mind of her own. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the last week or so:
"Grandpa Gary works, Grandma Nan is RETIRED."
Mommy: "Quinn, what are we going to get at the grocery store?" Quinn: "ARUU-GULA!"
Mommy: "Mommy has to go potty." Quinn: "Wanna help?"
Quinn: "Daddy, hold you!" (She really means Daddy hold me.) Daddy: "Quinn, ask like a big girl." Quinn: "No whining!" (We're trying to teach her not to whine. It's an uphill battle, but perhaps it's catching on!)
And now for the reason we all check blogs, pictures!
A funny pose at dinner. (I believe she was saying "cheese." Hasn't quite mastered that concept.)
Pouty face. Perhaps I love this because she looks so much like a little "Nikki" here (keep those comments to yourself please, but sadly, I know my mother can confirm).

This pic looks posed, but I swear she did it on her own. She says, "shhh, night-night." What a sweet baby girl! We love her so much!
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