Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Sweet Girl

It's hard to believe that our sweet little girl is 14 1/2 months old. It's been awhile since I've given an update on all of Quinn's development, so I thought I'd fill you in on the ever-changing world of Quinn Marie.

1. She's getting more verbal with each day. She says over 30 words (we counted the "legit" words other night) and we're pretty sure most people could understand the majority of them. She also uses sign language to tell us more, please, eat and hungry.

2. She has TWELVE teeth! Can you believe it?! All four front teeth, four molars and four eye teeth. We are hoping we're on the downslope of the teething now. It was a tough time there for awhile!

3. She runs. It's adorable to watch, but a little scary when it's on the driveway (and it usually is). If you want proof of her craziness, just check out that shiner picture on Facebook. (And for the record, Jay is not laughing, just trying to get her to look at the camera.)

4. Her comprehension skills are getting really great. She understands soooo much. If we say something about going downstairs she'll go to the stairs or she'll get her shoes if prompted. Our favorite "trick" right now is that if we ask her how old she is she'll put up a finger and say "one!"

5. She is very determined. And sometimes very stubborn, as exhibited by her new-found temper tantrums, but most the time she's just as sweet as you can see here! We love you Quinn Marie!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Day!

I had to work all day Friday and Saturday, so we had a family day on Sunday. No work, just quality time together. It was wonderful!

First we walked to Lions Park. Quinn tried out the slide, teeter-totter, made some new friends and had a little snack.

Then after naptime we went to the Blank Park Zoo for Quinn's very first zoo trip. She learned how to "roar" like a tiger and had a lot of fun watching the bigger animals. Once we got to the African area, it was hard to get her attention away from the animals. She loved watching them and didn't even want to pose for the camera. (Shocking!)

Inside the Discovery Center, Quinn got to touch a waterfall (hooray for water!) and check out a bunch of fish. She loved it all!

At home, we hung outside since it was such a nice day. Quinn was quite proud of herself for climbing into her chair.

And playtime outside wouldn't be complete without a dive into the pool of balls! (Jay thought this was on camera mode v. video. Either way, you get the idea.)

We hope you all had great family time this weekend too!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Little Mermaid

You might be sick of hearing us talk about how much Quinn loves the water, but it's so true! If she's not a swimmer I will be shocked, shocked, shocked. This week she's learned that she can turn on her back in the bathtub and she absolutely loves it. She'll feel her hair and kick & talk so she can hear how things sound different with her ears in the water. I took a video and tried my best to censor, but didn't do well enough so this little photo of her will have to do. Look how happy she is!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Up & Down

Quinn has learned to climb up on the skeeball machine. And the big accomplishment tonight is that she can get down on her own. It's amazing what can entertain a little girl (and her parents).

(Today's outfit is compliments of Great Grandma Marcella. Style clearly runs in the family.)