Sunday, June 26, 2011
Our Big Girl
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Quinn's Crazy Crab
Monday, June 20, 2011
Down the Road Came a Little Red Wagon...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day Then & Now
Quinn's First Drake Visit!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Reading with Grandpa
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Gimme the Ball, Gimme the Ball, Gimme the Ball, Yeah!
One of the activities at Quinn’s party was a kiddie pool filled with “pit balls.” First, a big thank you to Erin Bemis for the idea, and second, Quinn LOVED it! Way safer than a pool filled with water and tres fun for little Quinn Marie.
We went through a couple of outfits because the ball pool got a little close to the water table, which probably made Quinn love it even more.
The “tough chick” onesie comes courtesy of Quinn’s great-aunt Sue, a cool and tough chick herself.Monday, June 13, 2011
Quinn Marie is ONE!
It’s hard for me not to get sentimental thinking about this day. My sweet little baby is one year old! It has been an amazing year and Quinn has brought us more joy than we could ever know.
It’s unbelievable to think how much Quinn has grown and developed. Her little personality is so fun and she’s making new discoveries and accomplishing more and more each day.
At one year old she can say the following words: mama, dada, uh-oh, Millie, Papa, GG, book, bath, night-night, ball and bubble. We might be the only ones to be able to decipher them, but that’s okay right? She also is learning to communicate via sign language and did the sign for “more” at daycare on Friday! She’s also walking everywhere and is getting more stable each day. She still looks a bit like a drunk old man every now and then, but there are definitely less falls.
One year ago today we were blessed with the most amazing little girl we could ask for. Quinn Marie we love you with all our hearts. It is an honor and joy to be your parents!

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Quinn's Button Party!
It was a big, big weekend for Quinn Marie – it was her first birthday party! We have a ton of photos and had so much fun with our family and friends, so I’m going to spread the weekend updates out over the week. (This is also my way to bring you more Quinn pics while she’s away with Grandma Nan & Grandpa Gary.)
So first things first: the party.